Kalimat Wajib Dalam Persentasi Bahasa Inggris ini tentu harus ada dalam persentase yang siap anda bawakan terutama bagi anda siswa-siswi yang sedang belajar persentase di seklah anda maka inilah yang perlu anda hafal betul karena memang ini benar-benar harus ada di persentase anda sebagai moderator yang baik , yang mampu membuka persentase dengan baik, menjaga jalanya diskusi agar tetap berjalan dan terus diperhatikan dan menutup persentase dengan cara yang baik.Berikut Kalimatnya :
1. Greetings and Thanking the audience for coming to the program (Kalimat pembuka presentasi )
a. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. .. Tahnk you for coming to ... I am glad to see you all.
b. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone/ everybody / friends/ guys.
c. Good morning/Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It;s an honor for us to have you all here.
2. Introduce yourself or your group members (if you are not alone) (Perkenalkan diri dan anggota kelompok)
a. I am ..... I am from .....
b. Let me introduce myself. My name’s .......... Iam from ........
c. Let us introduce ourselves. I’m ..... next to me is ..... The lady in red is ....
d. Let me introduce myself and my partner. I am .... and my partner is ..... . We are from ......
3. State the focus or the purpose or the topic of the progam (Utarakan maksud dan tujuan presentasi)
a. I would like to talk about .....
b. We are here today to share about ......
c. In this opportunity, i would like to present .........
d. As you all know, in this opportunity we would like to present ......
e. Please look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Great. We will continue finding out what is going on there
4. Share the content of presentation (Sampaikan isi presentasi)
a. Use transitions: fist of all, second, after that, Now allow me to snow you the fact that ......, i’d like to move on to ....
b. Giving examples: such a, the examples are ....., the only example of this species is ....., We will see how many examples we will show you but look at hte pictures first.
c. Giving reason/ contrast/ result: because ....., since ......, but, however, although, in addition, therefore, consequently.
5. Let the audience ask some questions (Adakah hal yang ingin ditanyakan?)
a. Any question?
b. Anybody would like to ask?
c. Anybody would like to comment?
d. Are the any more questions?
e. Just feel free to interrupt me if you have something to ask
6. Make a summary (Buatlah ringkasan/ kesimpulan)
a. In short ....
b. All in all ....
c. In conclusion ....
d. In summary ....
e. To summarize ....
f. To sum up ....
g. To conclude ....
h. So the pint is ....
i. So the points are ....
7. Close (Kalimat penutup presentasi)
a. Thank you for your attention.
b. Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be benificial for all of us.
c. Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.
a. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. .. Tahnk you for coming to ... I am glad to see you all.
b. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone/ everybody / friends/ guys.
c. Good morning/Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It;s an honor for us to have you all here.
2. Introduce yourself or your group members (if you are not alone) (Perkenalkan diri dan anggota kelompok)
a. I am ..... I am from .....
b. Let me introduce myself. My name’s .......... Iam from ........
c. Let us introduce ourselves. I’m ..... next to me is ..... The lady in red is ....
d. Let me introduce myself and my partner. I am .... and my partner is ..... . We are from ......
3. State the focus or the purpose or the topic of the progam (Utarakan maksud dan tujuan presentasi)
a. I would like to talk about .....
b. We are here today to share about ......
c. In this opportunity, i would like to present .........
d. As you all know, in this opportunity we would like to present ......
e. Please look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Great. We will continue finding out what is going on there
4. Share the content of presentation (Sampaikan isi presentasi)
a. Use transitions: fist of all, second, after that, Now allow me to snow you the fact that ......, i’d like to move on to ....
b. Giving examples: such a, the examples are ....., the only example of this species is ....., We will see how many examples we will show you but look at hte pictures first.
c. Giving reason/ contrast/ result: because ....., since ......, but, however, although, in addition, therefore, consequently.
5. Let the audience ask some questions (Adakah hal yang ingin ditanyakan?)
a. Any question?
b. Anybody would like to ask?
c. Anybody would like to comment?
d. Are the any more questions?
e. Just feel free to interrupt me if you have something to ask
6. Make a summary (Buatlah ringkasan/ kesimpulan)
a. In short ....
b. All in all ....
c. In conclusion ....
d. In summary ....
e. To summarize ....
f. To sum up ....
g. To conclude ....
h. So the pint is ....
i. So the points are ....
7. Close (Kalimat penutup presentasi)
a. Thank you for your attention.
b. Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be benificial for all of us.
c. Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Sekian postingan dari saya mengenai Kalimat Wajib Dalam Persentasi Bahasa Inggris, semoga bermanfaat dan dapat mensukseskan persentase anda . Terimakasih.
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